I have the LS50's in a second system and do not share your exp.
I am driving mine with a Naim XS -2 and Tara labs cables. 12x18x8 feet
room. Carpet, sofa, leather chair, 24" custom stands, PS Audio P
cond. and AC-10 power cord.
I suggest you let them run full on over the weekend with some dynamic
music at 85db+.
You may need to tweak your set-up?...
P.s I am not a fan of cables with silver in them. I feel they harden the sound
and take neutrality and warmth away from the music. Feel free to disagree.
My systems are considered to be just on the warm side of neutral without
sacrificing speed, dynamics, transparency and timbre.
I am driving mine with a Naim XS -2 and Tara labs cables. 12x18x8 feet
room. Carpet, sofa, leather chair, 24" custom stands, PS Audio P
cond. and AC-10 power cord.
I suggest you let them run full on over the weekend with some dynamic
music at 85db+.
You may need to tweak your set-up?...
P.s I am not a fan of cables with silver in them. I feel they harden the sound
and take neutrality and warmth away from the music. Feel free to disagree.
My systems are considered to be just on the warm side of neutral without
sacrificing speed, dynamics, transparency and timbre.