Speaker for nearfield listening?

I am looking to get some feedback from members on speakers that are best for nearfield application. I am at about six feet at my listening position. I have a pair of Nola Boxers and they sound great except the imaging could be more convincing. I think they would be better if my position could be a little farther back. Any suggestions for speakers that would sound better at 6 feet?
Harbeth P3ESR or Spendor 3/5r2 are two I would give a listen to! I have owned the Spendors and now have the Harbeths. The Spendors are a little laid back in comparison to the Harbeths. Both are top notch for close up listening!
Lipinski L707's You don't really even have to toe them in. Fantastic sounding. I may be moving up to the next size due to moving my system downstairs going from an 18x17x8 to a 34x26x9 room.
A lot of speakers even very large ones can work successfully in a near field set up if you know what you're doing. You can also look at studio monitors that are designed for near field listening that are easier to place. If your problem is imaging then I suggest that you look at your room and placement. I don't know what's behind your speakers or on your floor nor anything about the acoustical issues in your room. You need to assess all that and play around with both your speaker placement and your listening position. Your listening room is a critical component of your system!
Getting new speakers may not be your only option. Your amp, preamp and sources play just as important a roll in how your system images. But it all depends on what kind of gear you currently have.