The Tannoy Speaker Line - worth a serious look ?

......they have been around a long time.....they do have a following and if they have been around THIS long, they have to be doing something right. I have been reading some reviews on the Tannoy DC10A's.... So, any imput would be appreacited, how are the US dealers, how are repairs handled, are they ones that I could live with a long time.... Your thoughts
The Tannoy DC10a are not being made in China according to Tannoy and a are trying to correct the 6 Moons Audio Review.

If they are not made in China, then where are they now manufactured? I was in Scotland recently and drove by the old Tannoy site outside of Glasgow and the factory building certainly looked closed and unused. Maybe in Canada?

Ted, my problem with Chinese manufacturing isn't so much a quality issue as a quality control and resale value issue. For inexpensive/high value products, no problem. But whether you like it or not, goods manufactured in the PRC typically do not maintain the same resale value as similar goods manufactured in Europe, N. America or Japan. It's a perception issue and maybe it's unfair, but it happens and IMO is one factor for consideration when one is contemplating spending relatively high $$$ for new audio gear.
More music comes out of a good Tannoy than almost any "audiophile" brand. Take a look at how long (often measured in decades) home music lovers keep them, and how many studios still stick with them. You have to listen to a few different models, hopefully set up well.

In comparison, most other speakers sound like a bunch of drivers thrown into a box while hoping for the best.
Yes! Unless you have a huge room, please listen to the Definition DC10T. It is a winner in every way.