The new group originally said they would keep Kathy Gornik on. Then, basically day one, they fired her. I held out little hope for the company after that. She was as much a part of the company as Jim. Jim designed speakers and she made the company successful at selling them.
People who have been loyal to Thiel speakers for years bought into Jim's design philosophy. With that gone, my guess is that most will very quickly look elsewhere. I am afraid that the new group bought the brand, but will have a very hard time keeping its customers.
These are difficult days for me and my favorite brands. Sonus Faber turned out Franco Serblin. Cary sent Dennis Had packing. Jim passed away and the new group pushed Kathy and Gary out. Well, at least Vince is still going strong at Totem and Harry is still at VPI. Hope Transparent does not start selling anti-cables.
By the way, if you have not heard Vince's new Element speakers, give them a listen. He is passionate about his new design as Jim was about his designs. I can see lot of Thiel folks liking them.