To port or not to port


I have a dedicated 2 channel music only set up. (no HT) and currently have a pair of PSB Synchrony One B bookshelfs. I really like the speakers but sometimes percussive bass gets boomy and bass guitar has a resonant, for lack of a better term, droning quality to it. I feel the rear ports are the culprit. I've moved the speakers away from the wall in increments but it still remains. I've used every bass management crossover option on my pre-amp to no avail. PSB does not recommend stuffing the ports.

I'm thinking of going with a sealed design since I have a Rythmik sub to handle the low frequencies and a Parasound A21 amp to handle the lower sensitivity of a sealed box.

In the $2-3000 dollar range I've only come across 2 models.
The Vapor Audio Sundog and two from ATC, the SCM11 and SCM 19.

Would a sealed box "tighten things up" in the low end? And does anyone know of any other manufacturers making a sealed bookshelf?

I have used your PSBs, so first a couple of questions; what kind of stands
are you using and how far from the wall are the spkrs?
If you're not using isolation on the stands, the floor could be adding
resonance to the bass. The floor could cause loss of detail in the bass just
as much as the walls could. Also, PSB Synchs like to be 2-3 Ft. away from
the wall.
And most importantly, are you using any room treatments for absorption,
such as bass traps in the corner and behind the spkrs?
And yes, stuffing the ports will just take the life out of the spkr.

Thanks for your response. I'm not using any room treatments, that would be a last resort. The speakers are about 3 feet from the wall and they're sitting on 23 inch custom made oak stands which aren't detached from the carpet with spikes but the speakers are detached from the stands with Mapleshade brass footers. Maybe I should try sand filled metal stands?
The brass footers are fine, but you need to get the wood stands off the floor with some kind of footer that would dig into the carpet. I think the result would be a tighter bass. If you change to loaded metal stands, you would definitely need to spike them and they would be very effective for isolation.

Once again I'll mention how effective bass traps are, but I think the floor is your problem.