Thankyou matt for allowing us to talk about streamer's, Thankyou Wison for your continous contribution, and audioengr, Guidocorona, and many other's, It is my task to get a balanced analog out full volume control streamer to run direct to amplification if I have to waite a long time, my entire time in this hobby, I have alway's run a one box solution, may go through many to get tonal balance and transparency, and the ever so important sound stage presatation that is incredible, sometime's the most exspensive and so called state of the art is not what it's billed to be on my system, like now, I have a tube cd-player that beat out player's that costed many times the price, no, it might not be a complete one box solution for connecting other equipment, but is run's direct to amplification none the less, and the cool thing is I can roll tubes to get a more profound sound, like wison's referal of the 12ax7 mullard 10 M, and 12au7 10 m tubes, cbs ect...