Another reviewer from Absolute Sound:
FM Acoustics, Polymer, Weiss
The best sound of all the point sourcesand possibly the best sound of the showdeservingly goes to the $130k FM Acoustics 115 monoblock amplifiers paired with the new Polymer MKS-X loudspeakers ($60k/pr.). These monoblocks fed the 4-ohm MKS-Xs with 500W of power, and will continue driving down to 1 ohm (and below, according to FM). The Polymers require some serious damping to control their woofers, and the FM 115s handled their hunger with aplomb and gusto, ready to deliver more when necessary. A Weiss Man 301 Music Server ($9500) and Weiss Jason Transport ($24k) were fed into a Thrax Maximinus DAC ($33k) and controlled by the FM Acoustics 245 preamp ($25.5k), all of which sat atop the amazing Krolo Design rack ($6400) and were connected by Enklein David and T-Rex cables. The very large room definitely allowed the Polymers to stretch out, as the soundstage was the deepest, most accurate presentation of the show. It was so deep, in fact, that I wished the Polymers could have been even farther apart to allow the soundstage width to match its depth. The deep, rectangular listening-position setup was the cause of this deeper-than-wider sensation. The FM 115s drove the MKS-Xs with such ease, though, that the normally difficult reproduction of my favorite reference music, Ludovico Einaudis In a Time Lapse, was a breeze for these incredible monoblocks.
Sure, we don't have to listen to reviewers. Their coverage is only meant to interest someone in hearing it. No one would buy a $60k product without an audition. My only point is that it was a unanimous reaction that this is the best speaker, not just Robert Harley. Tom of course you are entitled to your opinion, we all have one, but when you say the room was on the top ten stay away from list you completely discredit yourself. Just as I would discredit myself if my opinion was that the Bose Wave Radio sounds better than your beloved Sonus Faber or KEF speakers. You couldn't argue with me because my opinion is perfectly reasonable because that is what I like, but I think most people wouldn't be interested in my audio advice after revealing such an opinion.
Keith, Soundstage never reviewed the MKS-X speakers that were shown at Newport and AXPONA. They didn't even exist yet when soundstage did their review.