Help me find WARM speakers a la Sonus Faber

Sonus Faber Olympica III's are my dream speakers. I love how they sound, but they are out of my price range. I need to stay at 10 or under. Can you guys recommend some alternatives. A local dealer recommended Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand, but they are not available for demo unfortunately. Thank you in advance.
I am using a MC275 and c2300 with sota sapphire (grade reference series sonata cartridge). My listening room is very big.
Martykl - I also have original Cremona and for me they are definitely on the warm side compared to many speakers. If you read the Cremona reviews they pretty much all say the same thing. If you look at Atkinson's measurements there is a clear bump in the upper mid range. If you compare them to the Cremona M - they are definitely warmer. Of course, it depends on the electronics. Not trying to question what you hear, but I think most people would say that the Cremona are warmer than many speakers. Maybe the Minuettos are just super warm. I have not heard the Olympia but most recent SF are more neutral that the original Cremona.
I do like Sonus Faber. Someone mentioned the venere floorstanders, well I went to a small show this weekend, with the much smaller, cheaper, standmounts. They made a room filling, sweet, but detailed sound, just lovely. Not sure about matching with the Mac's and not just the power requirements. I find Mac amps on the warm side of neutral as well, maybe too much of a good thing?

Someone mentioned B and W, well I like them too, but warm side of neutral, absolutely not.

Another one to consider,Daedalus Athenas, just as beautiful to look at as Sonus Faber and I think, on the warm side of neutral too, not too expensive and easy to drive.

I demo'd the Olympica 3 and The Cremona M side by side a few weeks ago with a friend. I was interested in upgrading my Cremona M's. We listened to 8 songs over a few hours.

The Olympica 3 goes lower and surely looks nicer but in all other aspects both my friend and I prefered The Cremona. More open, detailed and airy.

Compare the Cremona with any of the pre y2k Sonus Fabers and see what you think. IMO, the old models (at least those I've heard or owned) were decidedly warmer than the Cremona. Those models not only had a mid bass hump, but they also featured falling response thru the brightness region and on into the treble. The Cremonas sound much more extended (to me, anyway) with plenty of energy in the 2khz to 5khz zone. Just a different animal entirely.

My Cremonas are certainly warmer than my Merlin VSMs and my Ohm 100s and certainly not as warm as my Verity Parsifal Encores or my Red Rose monitors. I'd say they're slightly to the warm side of dead neutral (to my ear, in the rooms I've had them and in the systems I've put them), but - as I noted above - I wouldn't call them particularly warm relative to the universe of choices out there.

As always - YMMV.