Help me find WARM speakers a la Sonus Faber

Sonus Faber Olympica III's are my dream speakers. I love how they sound, but they are out of my price range. I need to stay at 10 or under. Can you guys recommend some alternatives. A local dealer recommended Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand, but they are not available for demo unfortunately. Thank you in advance.
I am using a MC275 and c2300 with sota sapphire (grade reference series sonata cartridge). My listening room is very big.
Have you heard Aerial Acoustics Model 7T? In my ears far better than SF Olympica.
Martyki - I believe we both believe that the Cremona are warm speakers. All you are discussing is the degree of warmth. I just did not want the OP to get the idea from your post that Cremona were neutral or dark.
Here is a new option: my dealer can get me a great deacon Klipsch Palldiums (Which I think are beautiful). Or, a guy who lives close to me is selling Verity's Audio Parsifol.
I owned a pair of Verity Audio Parsifal Encores for many years, great speakers! In fact, I upgraded to the Parsifal's from VA Beethoven's and Strauss'. Any chance you can go and listen to the Parsifal's?
I have not heard the Klipsch Palldiums.
The Aerial Acoustics 7T is definitely not what I would call a warm sounding speaker, but to each his own.