Agree with Elizabeth's suggestion about double boxing. I'm really paranoid about shipping damage and several times have added a thin plywood liner to the outer box to help prevent the kind of damage that she and Photon46 describe.
If you have the space and tools, go to your local home improvement store and get a sheet of 1/8" or similar very thin plywood. Cut pieces to match the inside dimensions of your outer box and glue them to the cardboard with a hot glue gun or your adhesive of choice. Then add the foam liner.
The thin plywood is cheap and adds very little to the total package weight but adds substantially to the impact resistance. I shipped a very nice Simaudio amp to Bangkok packed that way and the new owner seemed as thrilled with the packaging as he did with the amp.
If you have the space and tools, go to your local home improvement store and get a sheet of 1/8" or similar very thin plywood. Cut pieces to match the inside dimensions of your outer box and glue them to the cardboard with a hot glue gun or your adhesive of choice. Then add the foam liner.
The thin plywood is cheap and adds very little to the total package weight but adds substantially to the impact resistance. I shipped a very nice Simaudio amp to Bangkok packed that way and the new owner seemed as thrilled with the packaging as he did with the amp.