So you've just heard speakers that blew you away

and you can afford them. What do you do? Do you buy them and put them into your system or do you purchase the whole system you heard them with? I've been getting back into audio this last year and I've decided to sell of everything that I've put together over the last 45 or so years. Even the Stax headphones will be sold. I have been fortunate to have a friend sell me his integrated and it was the one I heard the new speakers with. I upgraded the cables I heard them with in the store, but I did stay with the same brand as it's the most neutral cables I've heard. I even went with the DAC he had in the system. I've always felt that no component seems to sound the same once you change anything in the system and I finally found a dealer who seems to have the same ear as I do and I'm trusting him and having a BALL again. I dont' even have the speakers or cables yet and I'm still loving my new system.

How do you guys do it?
Relax and buy the system you heard, have fun, and ignore all advice to the contrary.
Life will be more enjoyable and you will have good sound.
' ...Don't forget the room as it plays a big part as well....'

We all know the room plays a big part, but a great system should sound great in any decent room. I think I'm just not getting what I want out of most systems I've heard in the last year other than the systems that Vandy's have been in. I have liked some of the Legacy stuff that I've heard also, but so much of the higher priced systems have left me cold. Usually the amps just aren't getting it done or the speakers aren't musical. In listening at a blues club last week, I realized that the emotion of a live event is what's missing in most systems now days. Unless I want to move or tap my feet, I just don't want to sit and listen. I have been thinking it's listener fatigue and maybe part of it is, but It's the emotion that's been lacking in most systems I've listened to I think .