two way v. three way speakers

I recently heard some magico mini's at a friend's house. They sounded amazing. And they were 'only' a two way speakers, but they filled the room with amazing sound. So now I wonder, what does the additional driver add, especially when it is the same size as the second driver. For example, the SF Olympica III's have two drivers of the same size. I know that third driver adds a lot to the price, but what does it sonically? Thank you all in advance.
"Everyone knows, the hi-end 2 channel music will not mix with a powered sub"

these are the same words I used for a long time. I hated subwoofers for stereo use till 2007. I was only interested in big systems like speakers as the B&W 800 S. ( which I owned)

Subwoofers were to slow and I Always could hear there limitations. I f... hate every single limitation in sound.

But.....time changes. And technique as well. I had in my mind how I wanted a subwoofer to be.

I needs to be quick as a rocket. Full integration with the speakers. I call it stealth low freq.

With my Monitor Audio PLW-15 ( low freq units is so much lighter than for example Velodyne subwoofers. ( which are irritating f..slow as hell) This means a superior response compared to ALL THOSE SLOW SUBWOOFERS.

Over 3 years of experimenting with Audyssey Pro gave me a superior and new level for integration with subwoofers.

Even highend people were amazed by the sound. Even one said: this is voodoo. The energy is also coming from were it is recorded.

This is s new level of integration. And sets music to a much higher level.

For the first time in my life I have the integration with speakers and subwoofer where I could only dream of in the past.

Now I would never want to go back to any speaker without this subwoofer integration.

When you hear my sound you understand in a few seconds why. Because it is that convincing and stunning.
My focus is Always on properties. For speakers it is the same thing. These days I could not sell 2 dimensioanl speakers to my clients anymore.

I would stop directly my consulting in sound and vision and look for something else.

I am only interested in speakers who can give a wide and deep stage. And within this stage instruments and voices need to be realistic and intimate.

All speakers who can't give me this level I really don't f... care. In my life I never met a person who prefers 2 dimensional ( standard) sound over 3 dimensional sound.

The way I work is based on comparing. But it is an extreme effective way of eliminating other brands. And yess they are Always 2 Dimensional.
Bo, I have found that the 2D versus 3D experience can be very dependent on how the speakers and listener are placed within, and interact with, the room. I have heard very good 2D systems be completely transformed into 3D when someone comes in and adjusts the speakers' location and/or the listening seat by as little as a few inches.

I do not think it is always dependent upon the speaker design. In other words, I'm not so sure that specific speakers can be described as 2D or 3D. It is more the set up and the rest of the system that creates that believable experience. So I don't fully understand what you mean by "2 dimensional speakers".
There are big differences in image wide and depth. But also in the level of sharpness in individual focus of instruments and voices.

I use the word 2 dimensional when there is no depth or maximum 1 metre.

When you compare speakers, after time you know the differences between them. And yes you know the level in depth and wide of the speaker. But also how sharp the individual focus of instruments and voices is.

Amps have a very important influence on the speakers and stage. But I have used amps which can make a wide and deep stage connected to speakers which I see as 2 dimensional. The stage was so much smaller and less deep than with other speakers which I call 3 dimensional.

You own speakers and amps which can make a wide and deep stage as well. You should know what it is.

With cables you still can increase the stage depth and wide. As you can increase the level in blacks. And drive and timing. And decay and resolution. Also the sharpness of individual focus of instruments and voices.

With the more expensive silver Audioquest interconnects and loudspeakercable and the best Purist Audio powercables I can get your set to a much higher level than with Transpanrent cables.

I can describe very precise why.....

First of all the level in blacks is superior to what you can achieve with Transparent. The person who does Transparent in my country visit me a few times. He agreed that Transparent is not able to get the same stunning level in blacks I have at home.

There is a lot more. The silver in my set increases the decay and makes the stage in the right and left corner of the spakers wider and deeper. Audioquest and Purist are both better in timing compared to Transparent.

The sharpness of individual focus of instruments and voices is also better. Even the hights of a recording becomes more Obvious. The silver makes voices and instruments more what I call round. This is an important part of the 3D level.

Is there an advantage of the Transparent compared to the mix of Audioqest and Purist Audio?

Yesss there is. Transparent is more involving in the mid freq. This is caused by the use of copper.

But overall the extra parts you can achieve with the Audioquest/Purist Audio combi are very effective and convincing. You can't deny them.

Because these parts are essential for the absolute sound or what I call TOTAL SOUND.
Thank you for your advice Bo. You don't have to believe me, but everything you have described in your systems from the blacks, to the 3D to every great adjective I have read you use in your many posts, I have that in my system. But also a few things I don't see you talk much about, namely a very natural, realistic, musical sound. Tone, Dynamics and Presence. And something less concrete: connection.

I have not heard that in any system that uses digital and room correction. Ever. But I am sure your systems can do it. I have heard Purist cables in a friends system, but I did not like it, nor did he and he sold them. Your Purist cables must have been much different and better. I know you realize that the Class A Pass amps are capable of this. I'm here to tell you that Magico and SME and Transparent are capable of it too. I hear it more in analog than in digital, but that is just me.

Congratulations on your business and the help you offer your clients. I know that music and audio are your life. I have no doubt that they are happy with your work.