Wilson Audio MAXX resistors

I am about to replace resistors on my MAXX-1 which is in use for the last 10 years. There is no information in the instruction manual and i have absolutely no idea which resistors are to be used for mid/hi freq.. Does anybody have any information on the effect and procedure for resistor replacement/selection.
It's nice of them to fix what is apparently a design flaw, but maybe there should have been a recall. Imagine the shipping charges on those systems! It would be more cost effective to send a tech traveling around the country to do the fix on-site.
When the driver(s) fail, just replace the resistors. Just like keeping spare tubes on hand. It's that simple. Either you have the money or skills to be in this hobby...or you don't. I'm simply trying to help out Fpooyandeh fix a problem.

In your argument the difference is that a tube do have a finite lifespan, its design dictates that. A resistor properly implemented have a unlimited lifespan it will not wear out, my first post on this subject. To reverse your argument would you expect to replace the output transistors on your SS power amplifier?, probably not.

Good Listening

Why take the issue so personally? You didn't design or build the speakers, and everyone, no matter how gifted, makes a mistake now and then, even Dave Wilson. It's not that big a deal.