Wilson Audio MAXX resistors

I am about to replace resistors on my MAXX-1 which is in use for the last 10 years. There is no information in the instruction manual and i have absolutely no idea which resistors are to be used for mid/hi freq.. Does anybody have any information on the effect and procedure for resistor replacement/selection.
You think that resistors may act as fuses? Ask Dave Wilson, I'm sure he'll know.
Roxy54...I guess I should have missled the person that wanted help? You seem to have problems that are far deeper than audio. Instead of asking Dave Wilson, maybe you should contact Captain Kangaroo. Peace
No, you gave proper advice. You just became a little thin-skinned when it was suggested that Dave Wilson may have made an error in the design of your speakers.
You think that resistors may act as fuses? Ask Dave Wilson, I'm sure he'll know.


I am pretty sure they do.