Wilson Audio MAXX resistors

I am about to replace resistors on my MAXX-1 which is in use for the last 10 years. There is no information in the instruction manual and i have absolutely no idea which resistors are to be used for mid/hi freq.. Does anybody have any information on the effect and procedure for resistor replacement/selection.
Just because it is intentional it does not make it sound engineering. Yes there certainly is different approaches, I would never use a resistor as a fuse, and I'm sure David Wilson does not give a hoot about that too :-).

Good Listening

The design helps to keep from blowing a driver, so that doesn't exactly make it unsound engineering either. Sounds like you may be having a tough time keeping up with the competition.
Polk, no not really.

A resistor used as a fuse, in my mind is just not the right approach. If it is supposed to act like a fuse, and have any effect to that cause it will have to be run so close to its power handling capability that it heats up so much that it almost self destructs. Doing that time and time over will cause it to change in value which will result in a SPL level change form the driver it is attached in front of. There are many other ways to protect a driver in the crossover design.

Think of to this way, you as the end most likely use speaker wires that have been terminated with super fancy connectors, have AWG the size of welding cable. In addition you have painstakingly tightened your connections with a torque wrench etc, all because you want good tight connections with almost no termination resistance. (probably exaggerated but it helps prove the point)

As the manufacturer of the Speaker you go to great length installing binding posts with almost zero termination resistance, using wire of many times greater AWG that actually required or fancy alloys etc, using capacitors of extreme quality, inductors of Oxygen free copper, etc. and then you finish it off with a component that is run so close to its limit that is is on the verge of breaking all the time and will if you run it just a little over limit. To me that does just not make any sense.

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I have no dog in this, um, debate, but as an experienced electronic designer (not for audio), I agree completely with all of Peter's comments just above.

-- Al
My speakers have been running just fine since putting in the new resistors. The seller actually paid for them. He may have driven them past their limits the last night that he had them. I never abuse my ears or equipment, so I don't feel that I'll have any problems. I just happen to like the sound of most Wilson speakers and tube systems. Best wishes.