Speakers Distance from Wall

Looking for floor standing speaker recommendations. Due to the room constraints (fireplace in left corner, patio door in right corner), speakers will be placed appx 4 feet from each side wall and the rear wall, and will have 9 feet between them (though they could be brought closer to each other if it improved the sound. So - what speakers can you recommend that do not need to be situated closer than 4 feet to the side and rear wall? I currently use Adcom equipment -- 5500 Amp; GFP 750 Pre Amp. This is two speaker set up, not surround. I can go up to 3k and am comfortable buying used from reputable source. Thanks in advance for your thoughts on the subject.
The Gallo Reference speakers work *very* well when located away from walls. Shameless plug: I have a pair of Ref. 3.1s with Stein Audio stands for sale...

That's a good problem to have. Most systems suffer from the speakers being stuffed to tightly into corners. Bass may suffer a little but will be less bloated. Imaging will benefit from this placement.
What are the other room dimensions? Where will you be sitting?
Those are very generous dimensions for floorstanders. Some speakers may only need to be about 7 ft. apart.
Have you looked at the Totem line? Staaf, Hawk, Forest are in the $3K neighborhood. They need power and perform well when away from walls; good soundstaging and detail.
When I think about it, Vandersteens benefit more from a ton of space more than any other speaker I have heard.