Speakers Distance from Wall

Looking for floor standing speaker recommendations. Due to the room constraints (fireplace in left corner, patio door in right corner), speakers will be placed appx 4 feet from each side wall and the rear wall, and will have 9 feet between them (though they could be brought closer to each other if it improved the sound. So - what speakers can you recommend that do not need to be situated closer than 4 feet to the side and rear wall? I currently use Adcom equipment -- 5500 Amp; GFP 750 Pre Amp. This is two speaker set up, not surround. I can go up to 3k and am comfortable buying used from reputable source. Thanks in advance for your thoughts on the subject.
@Rhanson739 -- good to know, thanks for the recommendation. Do you think my 200W per channel Adcom is sufficient for the 3.7s. Do you run a sub with yours?
When Philtangerine first posted, I immediately thought of Maggie 3.7s plus a sub or two, but it was above his stated budget. 1.7s plus subs would fit the budget, but w/o knowing his listening preferences, wasn't sure if they'd be big enough.

I listen to 1.7s plus subs in a 15x18 LR with 15' vaulted ceiling and the whole thing projects out onto a near wall-less open architecture. It fills the space just fine, even for big band or large scale orchestra, but I don't listen to much head-bangin' rock.

To answer the question, a 200 wpc Adcom should do fine with the 3.7s. Maggie's new x.7s series seems to be more amp-friendly than the older models.

And of course Maggies thrive with lots of space around them. I sure love mine.
WIth a 20-30Khz response and a friendly $2500/pr price tag, perhaps you should consider the Tekton Design Pendragon or the smaller--but still substantial-- SEAS Pendragon.

Reviews here.