Top brand speakers

Could someone with a vast experience with speakers/subwoofers say which ones are the top brands and worth the money.
Naim is not crap. It is a brand what dares to be different. In how it looks and how it builds a stage and how it sounds.

What I said earlier; it are my personal thoughts and opinion that it is too far away how music could sound and need to sound as in real.

There are enough people who like it. It is not up to my to say that they cannot like it. Audio Always will be a personal matter.

The stuff I use create more resolution, a wider and deeper stage, a superior realistic and intimate individual focus of instruments and voices, better blacks and a more realistic overal sound.

I let people hear my sound, and you can compare it with other kinds of sound. It is that simple.

I did not jump into that thread because REL is not a brand what is interesting enough for me anymore. They still make good subs. I sold a lot of them in the past. I want a stunning endresult.

I am only interested in those who give a better endresult and integration. This is a personal choice as well.

Another person can think differently and that is fine with me. Audiogon is a place where we discuss about audio. When we would all think the same, there would be no discussion.

In our country it is not possible to talk this open and at this level about audio. For me Audiogon is a fun place to talk about audio. Nothing more, nothing less.

These days I sell Purist only cause of information and idea's of people here on Audiogon.

At this moment it are only words. I've said it many times; I am so much better in sound than in words.

The main reason why I am so direct is that in 16 years I have seen too much low level in endresults.

Audio is a very egoistic and hard world for those who work in it. This I really don't like. But I am still doing it because I want to raise the level in endresult in general.
Classic Bo...
On 6/2 Bo wrote "Audio is about quality."
On 6/4 Bo wrote "It depends Always about the price."
And in the same thread on 6/8 Bo wrote "Audio Always will be a personal matter."

So which is it Bo? Do you really have any idea what your writing anymore? I think the meltdown may be close at hand.
Quality means those products which can give a more convincing and involving sound compared to others for the same price.

What is a top brand? You have top products in every single price range. The best speaker in the price range till 500 dollar is in my eyes a top speaker as well.

I use the word top speaker for the speaker who is the best in a certain price range.

Words can be read differently. That is why I said:


Even if a 3 dimensional stage with a realistic overall sound and instruments and voices with the right proportion is better than any 2 dimensional stage.

It does not mean that a person cannot prefer a 2 dimensional stage. You cannot make that decision for that person. Some people prefer a coloured low freq.

Even if it is not natural, he still can prefer and like it more.

Paraneer; you need to learn to think further before you make remarks.

The way you react is what most people do; choose for the way with the lowest resistance. You better can choose for thinking from a wider perspective.
Bo this one's for you

As best I can tell this is a pretty good 3-D stage but unfortunately I am listening on my cheap computer monitor speakers so I'm not 100% certain. Enjoy!
Per Bo...
"Paraneer; you need to learn to think further before you make remarks."

But when I am addressing one of your posts Bo, I hardly have to think at all.

And here is another quote from Bo...
"The way you react is what most people do"

I am not the least bit surprised that I have the same reaction as just about everyone else toward you Bo.

Have a nice day and don't forget about the REL thread I tipped you off on. Another golden opportunity to bash them. Better hop to it.