Top brand speakers

Could someone with a vast experience with speakers/subwoofers say which ones are the top brands and worth the money.
More boasting from Bo...

"I have even proven that I beat a Marantz KI integrated of 3000 dollar with a Onkyo 5010 with Pro. It was superior in every single aspect you Judge an amp for."

I have the Marantz PM15S2, that is very similar to the KI Pearl. And in my opinion, these Marantz integrateds are very good sounding and extremely well built amps. Further, I need no DSP to get the performance I want for stereo. I rely on careful speaker placement and an understanding of room acoustics. Along with properly matching an amps output to the load given by the speaker. And as happy as I am with the results, I would never make the claims that you do. Because it is still an opinion and opinions are like A**Holes Bo. We all have them.

So I am curious how exactly you have proven that the Onkyo AVR with Audyssey Pro is superior for 2 channel stereo. You say "you have proven" it. Along with "every single aspect you judge an amp for". Pretty strong words sport. I don't know about you, but most EE's judge aspects of an amps performance by benching it and evaluating the numbers. And numbers can be offered as written proof.

So, just how would you prove your statements to the forum Bo?
Paraneer- that's just typical Bo- a legend in his own mind. If you don't believe it, just ask him. He'll verify what I'm saying.
The limitation of all Marantz amps is depth. This part sets music to a much higher level.

Depth makes instruments a
Depth give instruments and voices a much more realistic and
involving experience.

Same thing about an intimate physical stage. This part Marantz does not own.

When you compare the more expensive Marantz amps with Pass labs in sound realism, they are of a much lower level.

All the parts togheter they never will win any war. This is clear and simple as 1 and 1=2.

When you use the best cables, you also go to a much higher endresult. When you put all the parts togheter you have a change to create the magic audio can give.

At the end it is about emotion and feeling.
Per Bo..."Depth give instruments and voices a much more realistic and involving experience.
Same thing about an intimate physical stage. This part Marantz does not own."

And you base this statement on what proof Bo?

More Bo..."When you compare the more expensive Marantz amps with Pass labs in sound realism, they are of a much lower level."

I thought your were comparing the upper level Marantz amps to a mainstream Onkyo AVR Bo. Now its Pass Labs??? Make up your mind.