Shrinking my system

I'm moving to NYC from a gigantic place out West and I need smaller speakers. I've got a VPI Scout II and a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum. I'm going to pack up the Vandersteens, and I'm thinking of going Klipsch. No bigger than 5" bookshelves and a sub. What would you do?
check out devore speakers. Made in Brooklyn. Some are designed with small living spaces in mind.
Check out the Sonist Recital 2's. Not well know yet, but
they will be. The high efficiency and the superb sound will
astound you. You may not even need a sub with this speaker.
Here's a link:
Excellent sound/dollar. This speaker was the talk of the
Newport T.H.E. show last week. Check Steve Hoffman's
comments if you need someone with world wide respect. Here's
Steve's link with
Dynaudio uses impdedence correcting crossovers and that really helps with tube amps...not to mention they are great speakers to begin with. I recently spent some time with the B&W CM5 and was very impressed with this small monitor. It really had me scratching my head in comparison to my Dynaudios, which I drive with sub 20 watt tube amps.

ProAcs would be another good choice. Those three would be on my short list.