Nola Baby Grand Reference I

I would like to know if the Nola Baby Grand Reference 1 can be bi-amped. I would like to use solid state mono blocks for the bass and tube mono blocks for the top end. These amplifiers are identical in each case. Does anyone have the documentation for these speakers?

Thank you.
Thanks for your responses.
My problem was that I could not identify the terminals on the Baby Grand crossovers. Carl straighten that out for me and now I have the Baby Grand bi-amped. I am trying different amps to see what sound best to me.

Thanks again.

Problem solved!!!!!
i know that Carl has nothing against bi-amping per se, but i believe it's better done the way you are suggesting (different power amps for different frequencies) with electronic crossovers and separate subs.
or alternatively do what was suggested earlier and use two of the same power amp, rather than mixing valve and solid state power amps, even if driven by a valve amp.
if you are set on using both valve and solid state power amps i suggest you try VAC's phi300 as it has a gain control, which will allow you to compensate for differing amounts of gain
but my instinct is you will be better off using matching power amps
Carl is pretty emphatic that his speakers sound best with the ARC Ref75 using KT150 tubes. Of course that's no reason not to experiment but it should be kept in mind (especially given the relatively modest price of that amp).