unfortunately all of the companies stated in Unsound's post do NOT still make time-coherent speakers. (John) Dunlavy quit making his speakers long time back & I believe that he, unfortunately, is not with us anymore (correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I remember reading in one thread).
And, Meadowlark also does not make speakers anymore. Unfortunately there was something very unsavoury that went down w/ Pat McGinty (owner/designer of Meadowlark), his company & the location where he was making speakers.
Audiomachina also does not make time-coherent speakers anymore.
I was reading an old Meadowlark Osprey speaker review on
The Meadowlark Mantra
Three design principles underlie every Meadowlark loudspeaker: time coherence, first-order crossovers and transmission line bass............
McGinty argues articulately on his web site that time coherence is essential to long-term musical satisfaction and avoidance of listener fatigue..... link provided if anyone is interested in the full review.