cirrus vs volent vs the clue

Can anybody help me decide between these speakers? I currently have vandy 3a sigs in a 16x14 room.
You need to give more info as to what you consider an upgrade. In what areas does your system lack that you want to improve? For example, on my Vandersteen's I had a Mccormack amp and I upgraded to an Ayre. If you did the same, you may feel its a downgrade. The Ayre is more detailed and less forgiving. It may not be the best choice for heavy metal.
The mccormack are monoblocks.Thinking about changing them out for oddysey stratos mono's.I have just been thinkin about a standmount. What I have been reading about the 3 I mentioned has been very good reviews.
"08-03-14: Paul29
The mccormack are monoblocks.Thinking about changing them out for oddysey stratos mono's.I have just been thinkin about a standmount. What I have been reading about the 3 I mentioned has been very good reviews."

I know all of those components are well regarded and have many happy customers. What I'd like to know from you is what do you expect from an upgrade? What don't you like about your current setup that make you want to upgrade? Better bass, better imaging,... that type of thing. Its important to have some clearly defined goals to work towards.