Dynaudio, Devore Orangutan, or Harbeth

I have found it difficult to step up to the plate and make a decision on a new (and probably my last) system -- in large part this is because, as most of you know, no dealer carries all the components of choice. Accordingly your advice is appreciated.
I listen mainly to jazz, vocals, Brasilian, R&B, classic rock and world music. My room is 12' by 20' with an 81/2 ceiling. I will be seated about 10 feet from the speakers.
I am most interested in the Confidence C1 speakers, Harbeth P3 (with a Rel Sub), Compact 7 or M 30.1 or the Devore Orangutan 93 (newer smaller version). I had been thinking Naim 202/200 combo. But now I am thinking more of the Luxman integrated (more liquid and with tone control and phono amp) 505ux or 550 with the Devore and with a Luxman CD player - I have a very large cd collectin. Should I go with the CD player or a Luxman Dac and use an Oppo as the transport which will give me better sound?
Your thoughts are appreciated.
Very true statements about the Dynaudios singing best with lots of power. I heard them with Gamut monoblocks (sounded great) and I played them with Classe Omega monoblocks. Right now I'm playing the Harbeth C7's with a Luxman 505, and it's an excellent combination. I plan on selling the Luxman though, only because it's a bedroom system and I have a small bedroom with not enough night table space to keep the Luxman. In any case, I'm mostly listening to classical at night, and I find that the Harbeths provide plenty of emotional intimacy.
I didn't look at Harbeth only because they aren't quite sensitive enough to be driven by my low watt tube amp, though I've seen it done. (I am considering a smaller pair for my office setup.) The O/93's share the same tweeters and a very similar woofer as the O/96 and will be more alike than different. I've certainly fallen for that vintage Japanese tube sound of Shindo, Kondo, etc.. I'd put Luxman in that same camp. Heck they've been at it a good deal longer at 90+ years. As to the CD vs. DAC I'd wager it's a toss up though I might give a slight node to the CD as it shares the same "guts" and you don't need extra cables, cords and space.
But now I am thinking more of the Luxman integrated (more liquid and with tone control and phono amp) 505ux or 550 with the Devore

if you go with luxman integrated in the future you can try some sets of hi-end heaphones.It might blow all theses speakers that kind of combination.I saw it have headphone jack.
McSlipp, do you find some vibrancy in the Devores or is the appeal the beauty/warmth. Can you enjoy Motown music on the Orangutans?
Yes, the appeal for me is the beauty/warmth as you say. I was rock'n out to some Jackson 5 last night and wasn't missing a thing. Not sure if that helps at all, but...