Totem Arro or Sttaf or Hawk??

Hey experts, need some advice on which of the 3 speaker I should go with? My listening room is on a smaller side, about 13x11. It actually looks almost like a square. This would be mostly for music. I listen to mostly classical, jazz, pop and some rock. I really enjoy clean sounds and staging. Thanks for your input.
You really need to tell us what amplifier you have. The impedance/sensitivity ratings of all three models are different with the Arro being the most difficult to drive; the Sttaf being the easiest. Everything else you provided, won't matter if the amp is not up to the job first in properly driving a loudspeaker.

Next, the Arro and Sttaf use soft dome tweeters and the Hawk uses a metal one. Big difference in how they sound. One is not better than the other - it comes down to preference. So once we answer the amp question, suggest you audition all three models to find the one that sounds best to you.
All of them need big power except Forrest that has advantages of all three combined IMHO.
1. No need for large power
2. Stable load impedance
3. deeper bass
4. deeper soundstage
I can support what Paraneer and Czarivey have said,

My room is about the same size and I use Arro's with a Storm subwoofer. If you don't listen to bass heavy music (I listen to a lot of Metal), you could probably do without the Storm. Fortunately, I had the occasion to audition all three of those speakers side by side (during a demonstration by Totem's Vince Bruzzese no less) and I preferred the Arros.

I used a Simaudio Moon i-5 with the Arros and it was competent, but they really showed their best when I upped the amplification with my Magnum Dynalab MD-209.
I've had the Arros and Forests simultaneously in a prior system.

First and foremost both needed a significant amp grunt (high current and watts) to perform at their max.

However I strongly disagree with the comment that the Forests are easier to drive: quite the opposite in fact.

I had an all Arcam FMJ system that was a bi-amped kit to get the Forests to perform at their best. by contrast, The Arros were not bi amped by comparison, and I second the suggestion that a Simaudio I5 would be a nice match.
The arros performed very well in my small room with a jolida hybrid integrated. Surprising bass for a 4" speaker.
All the other Totem speakers I have had, I would agree about the power demands and have stated this in other forums. I ran my Mani 2's with a 200 watt Classe amp, but they really sounded the best when hooked up to the Mcintosh 1000 watt monoblocks. I was considering getting the Mcintosh 352 amp for a bump in power but after using the 1000 watt mono's, I would have had to go to the 500 or 600 series Mcintosh amps. Totem's are very nice speakers, but I ended up selling all my Totem's and going all Usher which are a little easier to drive plus they have the Diamond tweeter.