Has Anyone Found Shunyata Cables Sounding Thin?

I have noticed this with the introduction of some of Shunyata's latest offerings into my system. They are great cables but they need help in my system. I run cables in series to solve the problem and the results are stunning -- while going against audio principles and accepted audio "wisdom".
"10-11-14: Onhwy61
Deaf people can enjoy music. Deaf musicians can even create new music. The human brain is where music is created and comprehended, not the ear. Read a musical score and tell me it's not true."

It's not true. I just tried to do it. Honestly, though, I don't know how to read music, so that may have been a factor. It's not in me to quit either, so I expanded on the idea and tried something I already knew how to do. I ate a steak in my head. So much for that. I'm still hungry. You may want to rethink your approach before someone goes deaf, or starves to death.
I'm not downplaying the benefits of having working ears. I am simply highlighting the primacy of the brain in experiencing music. A person can experience music whether the stimulus is aural, visual or conductive vibrations. The stimulus doesn't even have to be external; it could just be a mental image of some music. Some people can dance to the music in their head and some cannot.

Some suggested reading:




Zd542, you don't know whether it's true or not because you don't have the knowledge base to perform the act of reading a musical score. Others may simply know more than you on this subject. Though I do like your point about the steak.

You're right. One size does not fit all. What works for one person may not work for another. We have to discover through trial and error what works and what does not work in our systems. Suggestions from others may produce little gold nuggets -- or little brown turds. Ultimately, your have to rely on your own experience and your own ears.
The talk about cables being tone controls, series or not, begs the question, why do cables have to be tone controls? If a cable has a tone, then it is adding distortion to the signal. A perfect cable would have no tone. Why not try to move toward that to get the maximum detail and fidelity from the source?

Isn't that why the industry moved away from tone controls in the first place, in order to get rid of distortion?
Gosh this is so cool, our brain interprets sound waves and you can tell what a system sounds like by seeing a list of components? Can we tell what a system sounds like looking at a picture? That would be cool. :-)