Rega Saturn or Sony XA5400: Sound or features?

The original Rega Saturn is discontinued, but continues to get positive customer reviews on this site and others. It came to market in 2006. I am curious what might be the better value, Sony's XA5400ES or the Rega Saturn. The Sony has more features including the ability to play HDCD, SACD's. I am more interested in the best sound. For the record, the Sony 5400 represents later technology than the Rega

I am downsizing my system to two components besides the speakers: an integrated amp and CD player. So I want to get the best sound possible without spending $3000 for a new or even used player.
I'm sorry. I have no intolerance towards redundant posts. I just thought it might help you out to re-read the posts of the many members who took time out of their busy day to try to answer your question first time around.
I would not worry about HDCD.

I don't know if the Sony will provide a significant improvement in sound quality over the Rega. All I know is that I've owned the 5400 for 3 years or more, and it's been reliable and glitch free.

I have a Sony 333ES and a Sony XA777ES, both decent SACD players, particularly the latter - and in my case, this unit was very much modified; but there is something special to the sound from the 5400, especially on CD where they seem to have done some magic.

I think the numbers for sale are simply because it's a 5 year old design and lots were sold. As I said in last thread, only way to decide is to listen as peronal preference/room/system is all that will determine which is best for you, as both are very good players.
Chayro, this is at least the twentieth thread he's started asking basically the same thing. Just buy SOMETHING Jim for God sake! If you dont like it sell it and try again. No one here can tell you what is better to your ears on your system in your room. Youre talking a used CD player not a friggin house. How many more of these threads will you start before you actually buy something?
I believe SunnyJim lives in paradise (Hawaii) and shipping to/from is very costly which could be the reason for the reluctance to Buy Sell and Re-sell if the system synergy is not present when the new kit is installed in his system.

To SunnyJim

Any luck with tracking down other audiophiles in Hawaii to help you out on your quest? There has got to be some audio enthusiast presence there or some kind of audio club where you can audition gear. I could have sworn Underwood Wally or UncleStu from AA Trader was in your neck of the woods. Those guys always have various types of gear going in and out of their hands maybe they could help you with home auditions of the cables and gear you are interested in. Anyway best of luck with all of this it seems like it has been a neverending fruitless quest for the proper gear for you.