Hubbel v Virtual Dynamics v FIM v Purist v Jena

Ok, so which was is the latest, greatest, best. Which is the "it" outlet:
Virtual Dynamics Cryo
Purist Audio
Jenal Labs
Ps Audio
Hubbell 8300I

Etc, Etc.

Thanks for the info and help
Thank you Ttathompaocom for your post. I now have another poster that I will put on my list, a list of those who will not waste my time to read posts with nothing of value to offer. Again, thank you very much.
I also think the Jena to be very good. Sorry I wasted my time responding. Sorry you did the same.
I lke the ACMEs too. I don't really like the idea of changing my system's frequency response at the AC outlet! I'd much rather do it right with speaker positioning, room acoustics, and even cables and ICs. The P&S $4 duplex that gets silvered by ACME is a winner in its NEUTRALITY and quietness.
Lak, Cryo at 408 hrs?
I was going to buy a liquid nitrogen cannister/squiter like the dermatologists use, and start squirt-frezing all my contacts and connectors. Are you sure this isn't sufficient?
I would think that the deep freeze occurs mighty quickly? I once had a wart removed from my...nevermind.
I am really interested (tongue punctures cheek) in finding out about having a home cryo unit. The wart alternative use would be great. Kinda of a cottage industry for the neighbors as well. Good a/v and wart removal in one sitting.