How to ship CD's

How do you folks ship CDs? That is, what is the safest and least expensive way to do so? Thanks.

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Are you talking about shipping your CD's to someone else, or when you make a purchase from somewhere like Amazon?

After reading Elizabeth's post about Amazon, I'd like to add something. I've bought a lot of CD's from them and they offer something called an A-Z Guarantee. If you don't get what you ordered or if there is a problem with it, you file a claim and you will either get a refund or another CD. This applies to orders coming from Amazon directly and 3rd party vendors. I've had to use it several times and they've always taken care of the problem right away.
To ZD542,

I'm going to be placing some ads shortly for a bunch of my SACDs, some of which are OOP and are somewhat valuable. So, I want them to arrive safely to the purchaser.

Because I'm old and have early Alzheimers, what is USPS Media Mail? I haven't heard of this one.
Since they are valuable, what the best venders do is cut 2 pieces of corrugated cardboard and sandwich the cd between them, then tape together. Then put into the mailer.