Mrtennis, thats not a bad price at all!, likly a good player for someone that is using more tube componets than solid state componets, yep, the good ole balancing act to get a particular sound, in my case, I will use tube digital, untill of course I find a solid state player that sounds like the real musical event, soul!,I really have not been overly impressed with todays digital!, then when I do here something that catches my attention, they want enough money for that digital source to buy a house!, I am tring to build a state of the art system here, really beyond what I can afford seems like, oh no, I do not want to, just to get what works for me other than the vincent cd-s7 that may be temporary, It cost so much money, try over $60,000.00 so far, ouch!, at times I feel like this hobby is going to far!, ever get that feeling mrtennis?, cheers.