USB power supply?

Will the addition of a USB low noise power supply such as the one from Aqvox really improve the sound quality of my Bryston DAC?
Power supplies are the most important part of any audio system and this is what sets apart really live sounding systems. The source is also extremely important. The USB data should have no errors and low jitter. A fast-reacting, low-noise supply is required. Most linear supplies don't meet this criteria, with one exception, the Power Block from Empirical Audio. It is also a common-mode filter.

The Power Block uses a toroidal transformer which provides up to 5 amps at 5V. It is extremely low noise and very fast reacting, utilizing a Hynes-type voltage regulator. Hynes regulators beat all other regulators due to their unique topology. The Power Block was primarily designed to be used with the Empirical XMOS USB interface that is in prototype stage right now, but can be used with any USB interface. XMOS interfaces improve significantly. It runs on 117VAC or 230VAC. Here are photos and more info:

The Power Block is $799.00 plus shipping and PayPal fee. 30-day unconditional money-back, less shipping. Use "Contact us" on the website we will get the order shipped. They are in stock.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Hi Rocky. To best understand "balanced power" I suggest going to the Equitech website. They have a patented design which maximizes the noise reduction capabilities of their transformers. Basically they split the 120V AC signal into 2 60V signals and cancel all common noise and some differential noise. If you read the client list it includes NASA and the National Science Foundation; plus the US Navy which requires super clean power for sonar. I'm impressed. Hope you find it interesting.
Balanced power is a good route for power conditioning. As for power supply, there are some military grade ones if one care to look in test equipments on fleabay. Having worked at Hewlett Packard Medical Systems, I know there are some vintage but excellent power supply unit that perform much better than they look. I have mine modded and it works much better than the commercial ones I have bought and sold. The improvement is sound is enormous!

/Steve of Empirical Audio: arent you abusing this forum as self promoting and advertising platform? Shame on you, I will never buy anything from your shop!
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Jazz - I can charge 50% more for my products to pay for advertising like other companies, or I can help a lot of folks on this forum (which I do every day) and talk about my products and charge less for them. Its the customer that ultimately benefits.

There are a lot of folks that seem to think they are an expert on this and other forums, which leads to a lot of misinformation. This is why I post.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio