Are there any audiophile quality streaming options

I want high quality music options and was wondering if there are any on line streaming sites that offer high quality sound? I know low quality options are everywhere, but I want to choose music and listen to it on my home system without having to invest in my own server. Looking for your thoughts as to benefits and or lack there of for this option.
RD, As you say, this isn't a technical problem since HD movies are already being streamed. The only real issues I can think of are the bandwidth cost that the streaming company would incur and the fact that all of their music would have to be re-ripped at the higher bitrate. I wouldn't want to have to do that for my current catalog which isn't very big - imagine doing it for the 16 million plus tracks MOG advertises! This assumes that they weren't forward thinking and already have the uncompressed tracks somewhere.

However, probably the real issue is record company restrictions. The labels will flip when you start talking about sending out unadulterated digital copies of master "tapes" much less high-resolution copies. HDTracks had to raise their prices for high resolution downloads due to pressure from the record labels. Of course this is totally artificial. The only difference in costs for a 24/96 track vs. a 16/44 are the slight increase in costs for storage and download bandwidth.

Just signed on for MOG primo. Thanks to all for the great info here - I'm looking forward to using the service
FYI - iPhone 5/BMW types

Today I learned that the BMW cradle for the iPhone 5 won't be available 'til early next year so you won't be able to get MOG thru your screen+controller until then. In the meantime, I plan on piling up a sh*tload of music so it's ready to roll when the hardware arrives.

Gdush, Sorry that no one seems to be answering your question. I don't have an Oppo so I can't either - directly. However, I stream Mog through my Squeezebox Touch and it requires an account on Logitech's Squeezecenter site that the Touch logs into that when I switch to that "library." I think most current streaming devices work that way although I don't think there's a technical reason why a direct connect to Mog/Pandora/Spotify, etc. couldn't be built in to a device. The downside would be that, if a new service popped up, an older device wouldn't know about it and couldn't access it w/o a firmware update. On the other hand, if Logitech shuts down their controlling web site, I'm out of luck.
