It's not something I can explain. I don't know how to explain why Windows 8.1 sounded better than Windows 7 to me either. As you said, even an Atom processor has more than enough power to play back music files but there was a noticeable improvement when we upgraded the music server.
Yosemite has broken compatibility with a lot of proprietary audio drivers including Myteks and Weiss. And you should also remember that when Mavericks first launched, there was no driver from M2Tech for almost 6 months IIRC. Hence my recommendation for an Audio Class 2.0 compliant device.
PLUS the ability to use Integer/Direct/Exclusive mode also provides a notch up in playback.
It's not something I can explain. I don't know how to explain why Windows 8.1 sounded better than Windows 7 to me either. As you said, even an Atom processor has more than enough power to play back music files but there was a noticeable improvement when we upgraded the music server.
Yosemite has broken compatibility with a lot of proprietary audio drivers including Myteks and Weiss. And you should also remember that when Mavericks first launched, there was no driver from M2Tech for almost 6 months IIRC. Hence my recommendation for an Audio Class 2.0 compliant device.
PLUS the ability to use Integer/Direct/Exclusive mode also provides a notch up in playback.