teflon tape and rega RB300 arm

Hello everyone. Has anyone here tried wrapping a Rega rb300 arm with teflon tape to reduce resonance ? waste of time of beneficial ? I am looking for some cheap tweaks, upgrades to my Rega RP5, thanks for any input.
It's the weight that provides the damping. Not sure if teflon tape has the right damping properties. The good thing, it cost almost nothing to give it a try.
The Teflon tape has no adhesive, so that's a reason to give it a try. The recommendation that I found online is that you wrap the rear 2/3 of the tonearm and not close to the headshell. That way you wont add weight to the cart.
Goo Gone can safely remove tape residue without affecting the underlying paint/finish of the arm....if you decide to try an adhesive tape approach.