Distortion at Peak Dynamic Levels

I'm pretty sure I have a problem in my analogue set up but I'm not sure where it is. At peak dynamic levels I'm sometimes hearing soem distortion that sounds like a kind of hiss, usually on vocals.

I just bought both an Ayre AX7e and a musical surroundings phenomena II and having trouble determining weather the problem is in one of those components or the turntable (Project expression III). I bought the Ayre on Audiogon so I want quickly determine whether the problem is in the amp or another component so I can close the sale.

Can an amp cause that type of distortion? I do not hear any distortion if I use a digital source.

Any suggestions on what the problem might be and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
Get a phono set-up test record, and check your cartidge's tracking. You may simply have the tracking force too light. Are you using a GOOD/accurate digital sylus force gauge? The Shure test records run you though a series of test levels, in various frequency ranges, which is more comprehensive than most. I'm still using my ERA IV disc, from the 70's. (http://www.ebay.com/bhp/shure-test-record) (http://www.needledoctor.com/Hi-Fi-News-Test-Record) All the Shures and the Hi-Fi disc have tracking tests. If you get a Shure disc: try for a NOS one. If a disc has been mistracked severely, it's probably permanently damaged and there's no way to tell visually.
A good VTF scale is indeed essential, but why spend money on a test record? The vocal tracks he's having trouble with provide exactly the test tracks he needs.

If he gets those playing cleanly, all will be well. Artificial test tones won't make it any easier. Nor will they provide any more useable information.

Like you I have multiple test records, including Shure, HFN&RR and others. None of them has been out of its sleeve in years. I've set up dozens of rigs from entry level to very high end without needing any of them.
Hey everyone thanks for the advice. It looks like the down force was the issue. It was at 2.2 grams and I brought it down to 1.8 grams and that seems to have fixed it.
Then tracking force may not have been the issue. Decreasing VTF moves the tangent point of the stylus to the grooves. That's because the cartridge suspension has a spring rate- less load equals less deflection. So the stylus position relative to the pivot point of the tonearm just changed. Different stylus shapes can tolerate more or less the error in the tangency to the record groove. Of course, with a pivoting tonearm, the tangency error can be 0% at only two points and if the set up is off a bit- to the point that error exists at all positions on the record, then the sound can break up even worse at certain areas on the record. Additionally, the VTA of the stylus changed too. And that could have changed the sound as well. All of the settings are inter-related. When I set up a new cartridge I start with VTF, then set VTA then set overhang (tangency point). I play some records and if I need to go back and make small adjustments, to VTF or VTA, then I recheck overhang.
Hmmm... it would make more sense if your downforce had been too low, as that can allow mistracking during challenging passages.

Still, some of the factors Tonywinsc mentioned may be involved. Or perhaps the excessive downforce took the coils so far out of alignment vis-a-vis the cantilever that certain frequencies were being distorted.

I'm guessin' wildly here! In the end, if it sounds good then it probably is. Enjoy the music.