has anyone else tried Lloyd Walkers latest tweak

Lloyd Walker has a new tweak: the black diamond crystal for cartridges. It's a crystal you put on either the tonearm or the cartridge that [I KID YOU NOT] transforms the sound!
I know, I know, [don't ask me to explain it,I can't] it can't be all that, but i'm tellin you try this thing [if you don't like it you can return it] for less than half the price of a really good cartridge you get A REALLY GOOD CARTRIDGE!!!
Please post your experience
Dear Perditty: Well you hear exactly what Walker stes in its site product information.

I'm not questioning what you think you hear but only asking if those improvements put us nearer to the recording or live event.You say: better and deeper bass definition. This is a serious and not easy improvement to achieve.

I think it can't go deeper, reading the Walker site he say that """ reduce static electrical noise at your cartridge and record while it is playing. """.

Reducing the static noise helps to have better definition: cleaning the overall grooves information the cartridge read it. That makes sense to me because the friction between the stylus/grooves develop that kind of static noise along the " room enviroment ". When we use the Discwasher static gun ( remember? ) to reduce static in the LP we can hear a difference.

Now, the subject here is that Walker does not explain yet : how it works to achive that static noise reduction and maybe this is why we could think that the tweak item is just another " snake oil ".

Other side is to know if the item function in the same way with any cartridge, I think that if there is a scientific foundation down there it must works with any cartridge. I don't know if is in that way and if not: why not?

Regards and enjoy the music,
Rauliruegas, the only way to A/B the clock is to remove it entirely from the house or apartment, say on the back steps. Then listen to a favorite track to get an idea what the sound is like. Then bring the clock back into the room and listen again. Putting the clock in another room will not be sufficient to differentiate the sound.

Cheers, Geoff at Machina Dynamica
Dear Perditty: /Lewm: I don't know wich is the weight of those cristals but for a significant change in the cartridge/tonearm resonance frequency we need over 5-6 grs., cartridge compliance has much influence on that.

Now, we have to speculate because Walker say almost nothing about.

Other side could be that attaching the cristal to the cartridge body or to the headshell can function as a some kind of " damper " changing the frequencies where the cartridge body vibrate/resonate or the headshell.

The only way to know if really function is first hand experience, there is no other way but 400.00 for make that test is not in my " book ". Maybe in the near future I could find the opportunity to hear it in a friend's system.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Geoffkait: Thank's to brought here your advise, maybe the clock ( during A/B ) was not enough far away. Of course that I will try " hard " again.

In my post I said that some kind of these tweacks could be system/brain dependent.

Makes any sense that to you? is it your product I own an item that always must works ( I mean always makes a difference. ) ?

Geoff, I would like to hear those differences if in true exist because that's why I bought it: your product has a lot of positive opinions from owners and reviewers so something must be happening down there ( I think'''' ).

Btw, my friend in USA ( where the clock was shipped. I live in México city. ) send me the item and I receive it along a bottle with a light green liquid that I don't now what is or even if you shipped with.

Please email me, be appreciated.

Regards and enjoy the music,
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