AudioDesk Systeme Record Cleaner

I have had one for about six months, great cleaner and am happy with it but recently the cleaning rollers do not retract for drying. I have contacted the importer and they said they will look into it. More recently sent an e-mail to Germany but have not heard back yet. Any users here have a similar issue? Any ideas of fixing? Thanks.
Are you serious the K1 is the ugliest thing I ever seen.

The audio Desk never was a reliable unit. And that is a difference in comparison with nice optics. I can understand Rockitman, I would do the same (but I never bought the AD based on what I wrote about it).
But it is common among Enthusiasts that they listen with their eyes...
Yes AD was not reliable at first, but that problem has been fixed. AD is not the only company VTL was very unreliable in the beginning until Luke Manley took over the company from his father.
Does anybody know at about what serial number AD got their RC (more) reliable?
Just wondering what I can expect down the road
I was very interested in AD for a few years but reported problems kept me away. After I heard that much of the reliability problem has been solved plus local dealer was changed I was reconsidering it again.However, over the past 1 year, I knew of at least 2 of 4 units that my friends bought that still needed to be sent back to Germany for repair within 3 months after purchasing and local dealer only gave 1 year warranty (I assume that meant he will only cover the cost of shipping back and forward for 1 year) so I hesitated again. I like the result of its cleaning but I would really hate to be an owner of a unit that would need to take a trip here and there! Klaudio definitely looks more promising, less moving parts etc but have not heard much about other people's experience yet.