Oh no , not another phono stage rec

Yes friends it is but with a twist .

I am seeking a phono stage with a warm presentation that will warm up , or come into its own , in a rather short time .
Let me explain . I am currently using the Music Hall MMF 5.1 turntable and their 2.2 model phono stage which is SS .
This 2.2 phono takes @ 7 hours to start to warm up or come into its own to sound decent . My tubed integrated amp takes about 30 minutes and by tubed CDP takes about 45 minutes to get to a nice listenable state . I do prefer tubed equipment for its sound and adjustability .
I live in paradise...central Florida , the lightening capital of the country ! Leaving my equipment plugged in is not an option and that is the twist !

So , a phono stage (tubed ?) that will produce good sound on the warm side of neutral and do it in a time frame commensurate with the other pieces , about 30-45 minutes .
I am using a MM cartridge and would like to keep the price under $1,500 , new or used . Does such an animal exist ?

Thank You
I think a better way to do it would be to just get a phono stage you like the sound of, regardless of how fast it warms up, and list it on your fire policy. Its pretty rare a house gets struck by lightning. Its far more likely you will have a problem with surges and power spikes. So if you get a surge protector and good insurance, your system will be safe and you can just listen to it any time without dealing with warm up.
All tube phonosatges are noisy at any price point. AudioResearch PH3SE is the only hybride SS-tube component I regret once selling and hihgly would recommend. It's a true bargain for the used price.
The Hagerman sounds like a nice piece . I am checking into it with the manufacturer .

Stevecham ;
The Bellari certainly is affordable . Have you had some other phono's that you can compare it with ?

Have you any knowledge of what affect a surge protector does to the final sound of the equipment ?

Thanks people . Any more ?
Have you any knowledge of what affect a surge protector does to the final sound of the equipment ?"

Yes. Anything. The results you get with power products seem almost random. Personally, I don't like power products that make big changes. If I need to change something in my system, I prefer to do it in other ways. That's why I like the Furutech. Its a very high quality product that doesn't do too much to the sound.
Sorry. I just messed up my last post. I got this thread confused with a similar one from earlier today. The first part of my answer was meant for this thread. The part about the Furutech was for the other one. The Furutech is not a regenerator. Sorry about the mixup.

Your concern as to the effect of what power products will do to your system is definitely valid. That's why I suggested Cable Co. If you do it that way, there's no risk. Also, I don't mean to sound negative. If you get the right power products, they can be a nice upgrade. I just recommend caution because the results can vary quite a bit.