Do I Have the Wrong Cartridge?

I recently got back into playing vinyl on my Linn Axis (fully serviced), but needed a new cart. Since 80% of my listening is on an ARC CD3 and not knowing how often I’ll use the TT, I set a budget of only $300 on a MM and went to my local HiFi shop. They recommended a Rega Elys II.

Now to my problem...I listen to classical music and it sounds awful with this cart; strings and brass are harsh and music sounds thin overall. All my LPs are top class, pressed in Germany and Holland.
To test my TT, I played some Rock albums and they all sounded excellent; great dynamics, wide soundstaging. Records played were a wide variety; Led Zeppelin, Jeff Beck, Mahavishnu Orch, Kraftwerk.

So I ask you, can a middle of the road cartridge like this Rega only sound good on a particular style of music? I was told this Rega was a good all-around cart and BTW, it’s non-returnable.

Looking for any explanation and advice.
Many thanks.
Sumiko Pearls are available online of course and I bet some places have a return policy, but I'm not sure about that. At $125 it isn't too risky a purchase, and based on what sound you seem to be seeking it may be a great fit. You never know...
Wolf, I appreciate your answer. Even the salesman recommended a Sumiko, even though he doesn't sell them.
But do to a vision problem, I can't see closeup to mount a cart myself, so I'm looking at B&M stores.

Question for you; do you have any experience with the Denon DL-110? (the DL-160 is discontinued). Also, the DL-110 has a compliance of 15, would that be a match for the Linn Basik LVX low mass tonearm?
No clue...sorry...and I only discovered the Pearl when complaining to a hifi dealer about the high frequency exaggeration of an Audio Tecnica 440MLA, which I purchsed because of rave ya never know.
Thanks Wolf. Also your Cartridge Thread is a wealth of info that we're lucky to have in the archives.
I really don't know a damn thing about cartridges. Is this statement going in the archives?