Linn Sondek LP12 impressions

Hello I was wondering if anyone still uses these old designed turntables?

I know its totally not vogue since its a belt drive and all the rage DD and Idler have taken over as "the reference"

I no longer run a Linn LP12, but I respect the brand and its longevity and feel no need to disparage their users or the name.
It never was a Reference. That is based on Marketing only, a brilliant concept. The table itself is mediocre in sound stability and wrong in reproduction (that was the birth of PRaT, another marketing legend was born). A simple midrange pusher.
" I was wondering if anyone still uses these old designed turntables?"

There are many dedicated LP12 users even today and also many Linn specialists who rebuild and upgrade them. I happen to like the Linn house sound, but yeah it's an old design and needs TLC to maintain them.