Maxell or TDK?

What brand of tape between just these two would you consider to be the better brand for cassette tape in general across the board,not one specific year?
yogiboy is correct. Your deck matters here. I have a 3 head Aiwa that sound better with Maxell. But my 3 head Nak? TDK was the way to go. Either will give great results in the right deck.

Both are well made. I still have tapes I made in the 70s and 80s, and they seem to be holding up quite well physically. Magnetically? Don't know. I occasionally had pressure pads fall off though.

The tapes I used were TDK SA or Maxell UD-XLii

I remember I used to buy tape by the case at a pro audio shop on Canal Street in NYC. Haven't been their in years and years. The TDKs were a quarter cheaper per cassette.
In my past experience, the Maxwll UD had a more extended top end, but the best TDK (can't remember the name) was really smooth and refined.
But my 3 head Nak? TDK was the way to go.
Makes perfect sense, since TDK manufactured the tape that Nakamichi sold under their name.
I was always a fan of Maxell, but it may have been that it was their marketing and packaging that apprealed to my senses more than the sonic quality of their tapes. Come to think of it, it was mostly price at any given time that caused me to choose one brand over the other.

Glad the 1-7/8 inches per second cassette days are over.

TDK-SA was a good choice and was Maxell-XL.
Maxell, but they're close. Depending on the level of tape quality, they get closer at the top. I made my own cassettes from vinyl for years and still have some that sound good.