VTA and SRA?

Can anyone explain what the difference is? Or are they a horse of another color? Thanks!
If the ideal VTA is 20 degrees off the horizontal, then I assume the ideal SRA is 20 degrees off the vertical, correct?
So, SRA can only be indirectly altered by means of adjusting VTA and / or VTF. Could be why I never bothered to look any further than VTA. BTW, VTA adjustment on the fly is the main reason I went with the Graham. Learned this a long, long time ago with my Magnepan Unitrac I.
^^ No. Assuming the LP is flat, absolutely vertical is 90 degrees. Because the cutterhead that made the LP has to be angled slightly, the playback stylus is too. This is generally about 2 degrees, but must be considered an approximation, as it is never exactly 2 degrees off of vertical with the cutterhead.