Does anyone use a RUMBLE filter?

I am having way to much cone movements on my main speakers and Sub when I play vinyl. Someone suggested I purchase a rumble filter from KAB audio. I notice that a lot of the cheaper phono preamps have these filters built in. When I purchased a more expensive better sounding unit dosent have one. So I am wondering why dont a lot more companys sell these things if they are so important? I need to buy one and they dont seem to be very expensive $170 + another IC cable.
Onhwy61, I was with you 100% until this:
BTW, one of the first things taught to audio engineers is bandwidth filtering. When recording an instrument you want to get rid sound below and above the frequency range of the instrument. It's considered a sign of a well engineered recording.
Hmmm... did Kenneth Wilkinson use bandwidth filters on his 3-mike recordings of full orchestras for Decca? I doubt it. Are you suggesting his recordings weren't well engineered?

I've no doubt your statement is true for engineers being trained today. It's one more example of acoustics knowledge and skills being replaced by 47 mikes in 47 booths, a mixing board and a pile of resistors. The result is lifeless, over-processed crap. But at least it's crap with no out-of-bandwidth noise. ;-)
Rumble filters, if working properly, will delete the fight scene from West Side Story...a weird side effect.
What's the frequency response of a full range orchestra? Is it practical to apply bandwidth filters? Regardless of what the original recording engineer did, the mastering engineer will probably limit the bandwidth to what he considers appropriate for the intended media.
Dear Actusreus: probably you don't know how filters works so take a look on internet to learn about other that what Onhwy61 posted.

Now, we have a limited frequency range through our ears and obviuously that we can't be aware of a wider frequency range hearing what happen in that wider range but you have to remember that frequencies and distortions generates harmonics too that modulate the frequency range where we " live ".

If we have woofers pumping this is a system anomaly somewhere in the audio system and we have to fix it before try the use an " asprin ".

The analog medium is so imperfect that IMHO we have to take care not doing more " imperfect " creating higher distortions becuase that " asprin ".

Regards and enjoy the music,