Does anyone use a RUMBLE filter?

I am having way to much cone movements on my main speakers and Sub when I play vinyl. Someone suggested I purchase a rumble filter from KAB audio. I notice that a lot of the cheaper phono preamps have these filters built in. When I purchased a more expensive better sounding unit dosent have one. So I am wondering why dont a lot more companys sell these things if they are so important? I need to buy one and they dont seem to be very expensive $170 + another IC cable.
Dear Dinster: No, RIAA " filter " is not good and damages the audio signal.

In the other side a subsonic filter is not transparent because needs passive or active parts to function and the signal has to pass trough. Now, if the preamp design has it as an option then only damages when is swtiched on and when off ( if was designed that way. ) is out of the audio signal: the signal does no0t pass throught it ( insist, if was designed that way. ).

What I can't understand is why the posts of you are around the rumble filter instead to fix by origine the system woofer movements/pumping. IMHO, makes no sense.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I have a carefully and properly set up turntable that sounds great, and the only difference between the phono preamp filter being on or off is that when it's on the woofers don't pump with subsonic crap and my tube amp's bias lights don't indicate wild voltage fluctuations. Absolutely zero signal degradation. Prior to this preamp I used a preamp with a built in phono stage and had to use line filters (Nakamichi...amazing little items no longer available) that also showed zero signal degradation. The fix is in!
Rauliruegas, please explain your comment that the RIAA filter is no good and damages the signal. Are you referring to the IEC update to the standard RIAA playback curve?
Dear Onhwy61: Well, I think that my post needs some explanation because the inverse RIAA eq. is a " necessary evil ": analog can't exist with out it.

From that point of view, we can't do nothing to " by-pass " it.

IMHO the higher and worst cartridge signal degradation take form through that RIAA eq.. We are talking of a curve with almost 20 +,- eq. over the frequency range where at the end always exist a frequency deviation that preclude flat frequency response. We are near the RIAA recordedd curve but not mimic exactly.

I think that between other critical subjects both RIAA eq. curves are important part of the analog Aquila heel.

No, it has no relation with the thread subject.

regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Wolf_garcia: +++++ " Absolutely zero signal degradation... " +++++

no, I don't think so. The important subject here is that even with your: """ carefully and properly set up turntable """"
do you know from where in your system comes that " subsonic crap " that you experienced in your system? because if it's coming from your electronics then that " subsonic crap " is only part of the signal degradation because exist other " things " ( I can't find other word, my english language is very limited. ) generated down there that still affect the signal. In the other side your " tube bias " light's can't help because your unit has a bandwindt that starts at 15 hz that we can't assume as a subsonic one.

My take in this thread is not really about filters but to fix the problem from its origin. This is the only way to preserve ( in that regards. ) the audio signal integrity and the only way that that audio signal stay UNTOUCHABLE by anything.

Got it?

Regards and enjoy the music,