I suppose $30,000 is never going to be considered basement bargain price but if
it outperform its competitor at the same price point and competes at the same level as tables 3-4 times its cost, a bargain is not exactly misleading either. Somehow, I doubt this review will have any impact on VPI dissident. Personally I am looking forward to hear one for myself very soon! Positive Feedback review should be coming out soon as well and early words sound like it will be along the same line as Fremer's impression as well.
it outperform its competitor at the same price point and competes at the same level as tables 3-4 times its cost, a bargain is not exactly misleading either. Somehow, I doubt this review will have any impact on VPI dissident. Personally I am looking forward to hear one for myself very soon! Positive Feedback review should be coming out soon as well and early words sound like it will be along the same line as Fremer's impression as well.