Phono stage rec for Rega P25 with ZYX R100-02H

Just picked up a used but perfect condition Rega P25 and added a ZYX R100-02H cartridge to it. My current phono stage is the Musical Fidelity V-LPS II, but I was thinking of upgrading with a budget of ideally less than $700-800. Any good matches for this turntable/cartridge combo?
Sorry, I can't help from personal experience. I have never actually listened to any of these phono stages. I do own a Music Hall PA 1.2 phono preamp, which I keep as a back-up. It is a surprisingly nice inexpensive phono stage, though I do not use it often. Most of my phono preamp experiences are with much more expensive stages that are out of your price range. I have heard the Manley Steelhead, but I have yet to hear the Chinook. My friend who went through this lives a couple thousand miles away from me. We only exchange e-mails, so I never heard any of the units personally. Happy hunting.
Thanks! I think finding the right amp under $1000 is not so easy. This is for a second system. My main home system has a Parasound JC3, which I really like. I ended up going for a new Jolida JD9 II, which I got for a good deal from an online dealer with cyber week specials!
Two more options I hadn't noticed mentioned. Heed Quasar- I use it in a second system. The Heed is quiet, and tonality veers on the warm side . It's high gain setting would likely work well for the ZYX, as their specs run conservative. The other is a new version of the Lehman Black cube w/ outboard PS. I just saw a review of this one on Analog Planet. These both retail for just over a grand, $1100 and $1200 US.