Random Static Hits

What can I do to eliminate the random static hits that I'm getting with playing all of my vinyl. About 4 or 5 times a side, there's a medium loud pop right down the center. It doesn't happen in the same place if I play the LP again and it happen on every LP I've played in the last couple of weeks. The wall mounted turntable is a WT Simplex and it's grounded as always to a Herron VTPH-1MC. Nothing has changed in my system recently, but the weather has changed I guess.... it's dryer. Floors are hardwood so no spraying the carpet to increase humidity. Help!
I'd suggest first buying a good humidistat to see just how dry the room is, near the system. Then you can get a better handle on how big a problem you have and how effective the various fixes are. For instance, I gave away my Zerostat after discovering that it was really not doing the job, even as a band-aid.

The only really effective solution in my case was an 8 gallon humidifier from Sears whose filters cost $18 and don't last more than a couple months, so it's hardly a cheap fix. But it works, and nothing else did. Believe me, I tried everything mentioned above and even draped copper anti-static tinsel over the system. At least that had a festive look :-)
I got the ultrasonic humidifier and it hasn't directly worked so my solution is to walk by the humidifier with the record and that works perfectly!
I almost hate to open this can of worms, but my place is quite dry and I have previously had issues with very loud static discharges. I found that applying Gruv Glide completely cured the static problems. I won't say it made the records sound better, because it didn't - but IMO it didn't make them sound worse either. In any case, it works for static and I'll leave it at that.
Well, walking by the humidifier works sometimes. Other times, not so much. I've ordered a Zerostat. Will report back. This really sucks. I might have to go the Gruv Glide route if all else fails.
Or... some mammals find that winter is a fine time to hibernate until spring.

Using a Xerostat is kind of an art form in itself, but if it is used properly it should at least ameliorate your problem. Mapleshade makes a record brush that is said to simultaneously drain off static charge. (It must be grounded in order to do this.) I bought one but have not yet tried it, since another inmate or two said that it sheds its bristles onto the LP surface, not a good thing.