Random Static Hits

What can I do to eliminate the random static hits that I'm getting with playing all of my vinyl. About 4 or 5 times a side, there's a medium loud pop right down the center. It doesn't happen in the same place if I play the LP again and it happen on every LP I've played in the last couple of weeks. The wall mounted turntable is a WT Simplex and it's grounded as always to a Herron VTPH-1MC. Nothing has changed in my system recently, but the weather has changed I guess.... it's dryer. Floors are hardwood so no spraying the carpet to increase humidity. Help!
Zerostat comes today. I've also tried cleaning every record before I play it on my Loricraft PRC3. The first song is usually fine but by the end of the LP, it's pop city again.
Zerostat here. It works, although some LPs the static returns by the final groove... but a major improvement. I'm sure as I perfect my technique, things will get better. That and a good rain. So Cal has been glorious every day this month but it's an electrically charged desert. My skin hurts from the static.
I use the Furutech destat also. It works great. Previous to using it,I had ticks and pops also.