Some good suggestions above, particularly re getting a better phono
preamp. I bought my son the Cambridge that you have for his modest (and
pretty good sounding) system, and while pretty good sounding, it's far from
high-end; lean midrange with an obvious electronic character. But, my
main suggestion is this:
When considering turntables remember that a turntable is a
"system". You can work towards the "tone" that you
want via wise tonearm, cartridge and cable choices; as well as phono pre,
of course. The main thing that a turntable brings to the table ;-), (OR
NOT!), is the GROOVE of the music. While the tonearm and cartridge are
also important contributors, what determines wether you will extract the
FEEL of the music encoded in the vinyl is the turntable; determined by
wether it has correct speed stability and accuracy. I strongly suggest that
when considering a turntable you focus more on this aspect of
performance. For a starter tt with this attribute I would second the Rega
suggestion. Used, earlier vintage Oracles are also killer in this dept for not
a lot of money; and look very cool. Good luck!