Turnable database with TimeLine

Here is a database showing various turntables being tested for speed accuracy and speed consistency using the Sutherland TimeLine strobe device. Members are invited to add their own videos showing their turntables.

Victor TT-101 with music

Victor TT-101 stylus drag

SME 30/12

Technics SP10 MK2a

Denon DP-45F
Sadly, this database has not grown to include many samples. Interestingly, it has morphed into a discussion of motor types. And has been pointed out, the Timeline only shows one characteristic of turntable speed, namely average speed. And this may be less critical than other characteristics of speed like consistency over very short time intervals.

Halcro, I'm offering one possible explanation about why the TimeLine dash appears to change in length in the Micro video, ie. f/s speed of the video camera. I don't think of it as making excuses for video evidence. If the result is truly as you describe, do you think Syntax would have posted the video for instant criticism?

Could you explain how you conclude that it is the effect of cogging from the same video evidence, especially since Syntax has explained that the effect on the dash line is different when actually observed by the naked eye?

I have taken about five videos of my turntable and the quality of the laser dash appears different in each one depending on lighting, camera angle to the laser dash, distance etc. It is clear to me that the video evidence with an iPhone is far from a perfect method and I think the Micro video was taken with a SLR still camera that also does video.

The differences between rubber belt and thread/string drive is an interesting topic. The Techdas has a hybrid belt of sorts, which I think is a rubber coated inelastic belt, so very little stretch/creep occurs.
"We are still hopefully awaiting the promised Timeline video for Mosin’s turntable…."

The trouble for most members is that they don't own a TimeLine. I do, but I don't own a camera that can video. I'm waiting for my son to retrieve his. He loaned it to a friend, and his Nikon DLSR doesn't do movies. Hopefully, it won't be too long.
Make that DSLR. LOL

It gets better. I just found out that the video camera is a tape unit.

A promise is a promise, however.
Hi Harold,
Cool video. Very cool turntable and tonearm. I watched the video on my iPad and I could hear the WOW. I was supposed to be able to hear it, right? I think it was most pronounced when the stylus tracked over the wave in the record rather than the eccentric motion of the record; but hearing it in person would certainly be better. I think we all own a few records like that, unfortunately. Ironically, my test record is one that has an off center hole. So when I play the pure test tones, the WOW is very evident. The WOW caused by eccentric records is not so obvious to me when playing music- as long as the record is not too bad.

And thank you Halcro for that link. Much of what he wrote I already understood; but he gave me some insight into my Sota turntable. I can see his point about how the horizontal axis being unconstrained is a bad thing on a floating sub chassis. I can see how variations in stylus drag will change the belt load/tension which will cause the sub chassis to move in the horizontal direction. That movement, no matter how slight will alter the belt tension some more. Any change in belt tension will affect platter speed. It gave me some ideas. First, I'm going to fix the sub chassis with some rubber shims and see if I can hear a difference in the rhythm and pace. If I can, then I have an idea how I might constrain the horizontal axis without fixing the vertical axis.
Hi Tonywinsc,
I thought you might appreciate Peter's article if you hadn't read it before?
The impressive thing from my perspective....is that he wrote that article more than 10 years ago.....where visual proof of 'stylus drag' was unavailable....and most 'experts' were still confidently declaring that the sheer mass and momentum of most turntables could never be affected by the small forces of the stylus?!!
Yet Peter Moncrieff clearly declared 'stylus drag' as fact.....

Mosin.....a DSLR might sound tempting for making a video to upload to YouTube.....but a small hint.....an iPhone with direct upload is so much easier :-)